Better healthcare system

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Better healthcare system


Post by VaaclavSaazavskyy »

I would like to propose following hrealtchare system (that would bring healthcare closer to reality):

Currently, all healthcare buildings have the same weight. It means that it is irrelevant if one big hospital (mostly from any plugin, like Anhkatori's) covers (almost) all city (mostly in case of small cities) or there are one tile clinics from beginning of game on every corner.

My idea is about that hospitals could get something like level.
1. town/county hospital
2. region hospital,
3. country/state hospital

With higher level, capacity may be increased, but more important is coverage area.

This is based on Czech system of care of patients with CHC (congenital heart conditions), that was widely adapted also in other countries:
1. patient has detected CHC
2. seriousness of CHC sets if patient is still cured in current hospital or sent to higher level hospital
3. point 2 is repeated (or even skipped), if needed

Currently there are small (1 tile) clinics. They may represent general practitioners or really small town hospitals. And 2 larger hospitals. They may represent larger town (or even county) hospitals.

So, region and country/state hospitals would be needed to create (may be from any plugin).

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