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My major city,Vâlcea

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 17:50
by AndreitheTare
My main city, Vâlcea, where over 85% of the people in my region are located(over 70.000). :img It has a airport where the 101 Firefighting Detachment is located, a harbor and 2 industrial zones. Also, here is a island connected by 3 bridges to the first industrial zone and to the city. A nice avenue can be seen. In this city the transport methods are the metro network(Vâlcea Underground) and 4 bus lanes. Still under development! :mine The city may look different. :idea:
1)That residential zone is occupied now
2)The fire stations near the airport are now on the same street.
3The airport has a new runway

Re: My major city,Vâlcea

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 20:13
by wetguy
@AndreitheTare,I would suggest not zoning the entire city as dense, zoning some farmland around the edges of your city, and not surrounding plazas entirely with fountains.

Re: My major city,Vâlcea

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 20:26
by AndreitheTare
Thank you for the recommendations. I will apply them.