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Can't get enough police

Posted: 03 Feb 2017, 22:29
by mj13
No matter how many police stations I build, I can't get the general happiness score for police higher than 80. Every time I try to increase the level of buildings in an area the lowest happiness is always the police. Often I can't get the buildings to evolve unless the police issue is resolved. Right now I have 11,000 people and 35 of the big police stations, but the houses right across the street from a police station are saying they are unhappy with police. What am I doing wrong? This wasn't happening prior to the latest update. Could this be a bug in the system?

Posted: 03 Feb 2017, 22:36
by CommanderABab
They start out with a low police happinness, which then improves if a police station exidts.

Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 23:14
by mj13
Yeah, I know that. Thanks anyhow.