GUI example in Plugin Creator Tools

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GUI example in Plugin Creator Tools


Post by Lobby »

The Plugin Creator Tool contains an example to present the GUI creation possibilities of using Lua in plugins.

Actually useful is this window that shows the Icon, Font and NinePatch resources that are available within the game. A tap on the "copy" button copies the code used to access something into the clipboard, e.g. "Icon.OK" for the ok icon.

Here you can see how various aspects of this tool were implemented :lua: :

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-- Show the menu with the close action closing the provided dialog local function showMenu(dialog) local parent = GUI.get'$menuparent' GUI.createMenu{ source = parent, actions = { {icon = Icon.OK, text = 'A', onClick = function() Debug.toast('yo') end}, {icon = Icon.CANCEL, text = 'B', enabled = false}, {}, {icon = Icon.CLOSE, text = 'Close', onClick = dialog.close} } } end -- Show the dialog window that contains various GUI object usage examples local function showObjectsDialog() local dialog = GUI.createDialog{ icon = Icon.REGION_SPLIT, title = 'Objects', height = 240 } local layout = dialog.content:addLayout{ vertical = true } local function addLine(label, height) local line = layout:addLayout{height = height} line:addLabel{text = label, w = 60} return line:addLayout{ x = 62 } end local sliderValue = 0.5 local buttonValue = 'B' local line = addLine('Icons:', 26) line:addIcon{icon=Icon.OK, w=26} line:addIcon{icon=Icon.CANCEL, w=26} line:addIcon{icon=Icon.CITY, w=26} line:getLastPart():addCanvas{ x = -100, y = 10, h = 10, onDraw = function(self, x, y, w, h) Drawing.setColor(0, 80, 100) Drawing.drawNinePatch(NinePatch.PROGRESS_BAR, x, y, w, h) local progress = Runtime.getTime() / 1000 % 1 if progress * w >= 10 then Drawing.drawNinePatch(NinePatch.PROGRESS_BAR_FILLED, x, y, progress * w, h) end Drawing.reset() end } local line = addLine('Buttons:', 26) line:addButton{ icon = Icon.OK, text = 'Test', frameDefault = NinePatch.BLUE_BUTTON, framePressed = NinePatch.BLUE_BUTTON_PRESSED, width = line:getClientWidth() / 2 - 1, onClick = function(self) Debug.toast('cya') end } line:addButton{ icon = Icon.CANCEL, text = 'Golden', width = line:getClientWidth() / 2 - 1, golden = true, onClick = function(self) Debug.toast('woah') end } local line = addLine('Button selection:', 26) local widthPerButton = (line:getClientWidth() - 3) / 3 local function addSelectionButton(text, state) line:addButton{ width = widthPerButton, text = text, onClick = function(self) buttonValue = state end, isPressed = function() return buttonValue == state end } end addSelectionButton('A', 'A') addSelectionButton('B', 'B') addSelectionButton('C', 'C') local line = addLine('Slider:', 26) line:addSlider{ minValue = 0, maxValue = 1, setValue = function(v) sliderValue = v end, getValue = function() return sliderValue end } local line = addLine('Text field:', 26) local textField = line:addTextField{ text = 'Hello World :)', w = -40 } line:addButton{ w = 38, text = 'Show', onClick = function() Debug.toast('Input is: '..textField:getText()) end } local line = addLine('Text frame:', 40) line:addTextFrame{ text = [[This is a long text that can even span over multiple lines :P This will scroll if it is long enough.]] } end -- Show the resources list dialog window local function showResourcesDialog() local function createIconPreview(parent, frame) end local dialog = GUI.createDialog{ icon = Icon.DECORATION, title = 'Resources', width = 240, height = 300 } local listBox = dialog.content:addListBox{} local function addItems(source, keys, sourceName, height, drawer) Array(keys):forEach(function(key) local item = source[key] local entry = listBox:addCanvas{h=height} local name = sourceName..'.'..key entry:addCanvas{ w = height, onDraw = function(self, x, y, w, h) drawer(item, x, y, w, h) end } entry:addLabel{ text = name, x = height + 5, w = -30 }:setFont(Font.SMALL) entry:addButton{ icon = Icon.COPY, x = -30, w = 26, onClick = function() Runtime.setClipboard(name) Debug.toast('Put '' into clipboard') end } end) end addItems(Icon, Icon.keys, 'Icon', 26, function(item, x, y, w, h) Drawing.drawImage(item, x, y) end) addItems(NinePatch, NinePatch.keys, 'NinePatch', 26, function(item, x, y, w, h) Drawing.drawNinePatch(item, x, y, w, h) end) addItems(Font, Font.keys, 'Font', 26, function(item, x, y, w, h) Drawing.setColor(0, 0, 0) Drawing.drawText('Abc', x+w/2, y+h/2, item, 0.5, 0.5) Drawing.reset() end) end -- Show the main dialog window local function showDialog() local dialog dialog = GUI.createDialog{ icon = script:getDraft():getPreviewFrame(), title = 'GUI example', text = 'From here you have access to various examples.', width = 250, height = 120, actions = { { id = '$menuparent', icon = Icon.HAMBURGER, text = 'Menu', onClick = function() showMenu(dialog) end, autoClose = false }, { icon = Icon.REGION_SPLIT, text = 'Objects', onClick = showObjectsDialog, autoClose = false }, { icon = Icon.DECORATION, text = 'Resources', onClick = showResourcesDialog, autoClose = false } } } closeDialog = dialog.close end -- Rebuild dialog after code changes function script:init() if closeDialog then closeDialog() closeDialog = nil showDialog() end end -- Let's cheat a little by closing the tool immediately after it was opened function script:event(_, _, _, event) if event == Script.EVENT_TOOL_ENTER then GUI.get('cmdCloseTool'):click() showDialog() end end
Interactive Lua editor

Here the plugin is of type tool and uses real-time scripting for testing purposes :json :

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[{ "once":true, "id":"$devtool_showguiexample00", "type":"tool", "category":"$devtool_category00", "preview frames":[{"bmp":"guiicon.png"}], "title":"GUI preview", "text":"This tool provides an example for what can be done in regard to UI using Lua.", "script":"#LuaWrapper", "meta":{ "luawrapper":{ "script":"GUIExample.lua", "dev":true } } }]
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Re: GUI example in Plugin Creator Tools


Post by MarioBitMap »

AMAZING!! I'd love trying to do a plug-in with some menus when I learn a little bit of complex Lua. :teach

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[ { "id":"MarioBitMap", "category":"Plugin_Creator", "skills":[{"skill":"Pixel_Artist"},{"skill":"Learning_C++_&_TTJson/Lua"}] } ]
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Re: GUI example in Plugin Creator Tools


Post by Hadestia »

Can we use gui on building taps? As substitute to the onClick notif or its info itself
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